Ninja Coffee Maker Drip Stop Not Working

A lot of coffee enthusiasts own Ninja coffee makers. This brand offers a wide range and variety of coffee machines. However, users are frequently reporting that the drip stop is not working on their Ninja coffee maker. This issue makes the whole machine useless. After receiving a number of complaints, we decided to sort out this problem.

The troubleshooting process reveals that the problem is fixable if you apply a few easy tricks. This guide will explain all the solutions in detail. You must try these remedies to fix the machine at home.

Why Drip Stop is Not Working?

The drip stop is a valve that controls the flow of coffee. The coffee flows from the brew basket to the carafe and you can dispense the required amount. So, drip stop allows you to fill a cup mid-brewing and then close the valve. Let us know what the possible reasons behind this issue are.

  • The drip stop lever is not in the correct position
  • The coffee filter is not inserted accurately
  • The machine has some hardware defect
  • The magnet attached to the drip stop is rusted
  • Your Ninja coffee maker requires descaling

Ninja Coffee Maker Drip Stop Not Working

Fixing the Bad Drip Stop

It is important to fix the bad drip stop on your Ninja coffee maker. Try the following troubleshooting tips.

1. Reset Your Ninja Coffee Maker

The issue may be related to the software. Hence, a reset can help fix it. Performing a reset on Ninja varies according to the model. A general method for all models is as follows;

  1. Unplug your Ninja coffee maker from the power source.
  2. Leave it OFF for 5 minutes.
  3. Now, connect your Ninja back to the power source and turn it ON by pressing the power button.
  4. You can repeat the reset process twice or thrice.

2. Run A Clean Cycle

Another reason is that the machine is clogged and dirty. It happens due to flowing water through different parts of the machine. The minerals and impurities are deposited inside the hoses or on the walls of the tank. Therefore, the drip stop may not be working properly. You should clean and descale the appliance.

  1. Prepare a descaling solution by mixing vinegar and water. Pour this solution into the empty reservoir.
  2. Now, press the “Clean” button and let the cycle complete.
  3. Leave the cleaning solution within the reservoir for 30-60 minutes.
  4. After that throw away the solutions and fill the reservoir with fresh water.
  5. Run the clean cycle again to remove the descaling solution.
  6. Rinse the water tank with running water so that no smell or debris is retained.

3. Reinsert the Drip Stop

The valve is a small black rubber piece. You can locate it at the top of the coffee maker, under the brew basket. Maybe the drip stop is not inserted correctly. Therefore, it is malfunctioning. So, remove the brew basket, and the drip stop. Clean the area around them. Now, insert both parts again by following the user guide instructions.

4. Replace the Drip Stop

This valve is a small component. But, it is very important for the proper functioning of your machine. It may go bad and stops working at all. In this case, you need to replace the drip stop valve with a new one. It costs a little amount to replace it. Be sure to purchase the compatible valve and seek professional help.

5. Contact Ninja Customer Support

The above-mentioned tips should fix your machine. However, if they fail, you should contact Ninja customer support. If the coffee maker is under warranty, you will get a replacement or repair. Because sometimes, the fault is on the part of the manufacturer. Explain the issue and ask for technical support.

Frequently Asked Questions About Ninja Coffee Makers

Do you want to ask more queries? Read the following questions/answers that are commonly asked by the users.

Can I fill my cup of coffee by stopping the brew mid-cycle?

Yes, the drip stop valve lets you stop the brew mid-cycle to fill your cup. Just press the “Drip Stop” button. It will pause the half or full carafe brew cycle. You can now fill your cup and then press the button again to resume the brewing. The valve will close automatically once the brewing is completed.

Why my Ninja coffee maker is dripping coffee?

Sometimes, the machine leaks or drips the liquid. It happens due to a blockage. Inspect the tubes within the coffee pot. Remove any obstructions in the tube to let the liquid flow normally. You can also run a clean cycle to remove any clogs.

What to do if my coffee maker is overflowing?

One immediate reason is that you have poured extra water or the sliding lid is not closed properly. Other reasons include a dirty brew basket or filter. So, make sure everything is inserted properly and clean the brew basket.

How to determine the coffee-to-water ratio for a perfect cup?

Generally, a perfect cup depends on personal taste and preferences. However, as a general rule of thumb, the coffee-to-water ratio is 1:4. It means you should add 1 tablespoon of coffee grounds for every 4 ounces of water. It is recommended to use a measuring cup or scale for an accurate ratio.

How can I make a thick drip coffee?

Use dark roast coffee to make it thick or add some cream. Another trick is to brew it with an immersion brewer. Some people also use thickening additives such as corn starch or xanthan gum. Moreover, you can try different beans, increase the water temperature, and extend the brewing time.

Also Read: Ninja Coffee Maker Not Hot Enough

Concluding Words

If the drip stop is not working on your Ninja coffee maker, follow our guide patiently. Double-check every component, reset, and clean the machine. Moreover, you should also try other troubleshooting tips to resolve the issue at home. If all else fails, reach Ninja customer support.

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Hi, I'm Noor Alam, Founder of I'm naturally inclined towards modern technical gadgets and Love to solve different problems regarding these gadgets. I will share information with you on how to fix different old devices and how to find the best products. You'll find great help from my research and experience.