How To Fix Magic Bullet Smells Like Burning

If you’ve been using your Magic Bullet blender over the past few months like me, then chances are you’ve experienced something pretty gross — a burning smell coming from the base of the device, usually after you’ve made something like smoothies or frappes.

It’s bad enough that some people actually stop using their blenders because they’re so turned off by the smell, in my case, I did not enter the room the entire day where my Magic Bullet blender was placed. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

You can learn how to fix the burning smell in your Magic Bullet (and any other one-piece blender) with just one ingredient — mayonnaise!

What causes a burned smell?

Often, when you smell burning rubber, your first instinct is to unplug whatever’s making that smell. But in reality, it’s not actually burning rubber you smell; it’s something else being burned.

If you can figure out what exactly is being burned, then you can find out how to get rid of it. Generally speaking, there are only two things that could be causing a burning smell from a food processor or blender: rubber or plastic pieces and motor oil.


These substances often burn and leak out during normal use of these kitchen appliances, which means they need cleaning ASAP if they’re making your kitchen smell like something’s on fire!

To fix a magic bullet smells like burning problem, start by doing some detective work—and let us know if we can help with any questions along the way.

Magic Bullet Smells Like Burning


How can I remove the burnt smell from my Magic Bullet?

If you’re wondering how to get rid of that burnt smell from your Magic Bullet, there are a few ways to do it. To keep it simple and effective, we recommend using activated charcoal; just be sure to follow these instructions carefully.

Here’s what you’ll need: {#} Activated Charcoal (available at most health food stores) # A small bowl or container for mixing # A spoon for mixing # Your Magic Bullet (with a blade attached) # Hot water # White vinegar.

1: Pour 2 tablespoons of hot water into your bowl or container. Add 2 teaspoons of white vinegar and mix well until all ingredients have dissolved.

2: Place 1 teaspoon of activated charcoal into a small container with a lid or sealable plastic baggie, then add in 3 tablespoons of water. Shake vigorously until all particles have dissolved in solution. Be careful not to inhale any dust!

3: Turn on your blender and pour in mixture through top opening while blending on low speed for 30 seconds.

4: Pour out contents into the sink and rinse thoroughly with hot water.

5: Allow your Magic Bullet to air dry completely before storing away.


Steps for Cleaning Your Blender Using Baking Soda and Vinegar:

1. Fill a cup with warm water, then stir in baking soda until dissolved.

2. Fill another cup with warm water, then stir in vinegar until dissolved.

3. Dip sponge or rag into baking soda solution, squeeze out excess liquid so as not to dilute mixture too much, and scrub inside of pitcher.

4. Dip sponge or rag into vinegar solution, squeeze out excess liquid so as not to dilute mixture too much and scrub inside of pitcher again – use light pressure as you don’t want to damage blades/plastic housing/insides of machine by scrubbing too hard!

5. Your device will be cleaned and hopefully you will notice no smell from now on!

What can I do to prevent this in the future?

Check your blade for damage, especially around or near where it attaches to your blender. If it’s dented, replace it with a new one from any kitchen supply store. You may also need to clean out your blender.

Make sure that all food and remnants of any food are cleaned out. You may want to check for anything that has built up on or around motor, too.

If there’s gunk in there and you use your Magic Bullet on high power, it can cause smells like burning. Just make sure you’re using only approved cleaning products when doing so!

Also go through: Magic Bullet Motor Died Issue Solved

Final Thoughts

So I finally caved and bought a magic bullet. It is an amazing device that lets you make healthy smoothies in just a few minutes.

The keyword is healthy, unfortunately, as I was making my first smoothie, there was some burning smell coming from it.

I found out that there are many people who had problems with their magic bullet overheating or breaking down and smelling like burning.

And when I say problems I mean sometimes even exploding!

Since then I have been researching ways to fix my magic bullet smells like burning problem and found a lot of valuable information on different ways to avoid your magic bullet overheating so that you can enjoy it for years to come.

I'm a Professional Content Writer on and willing to write Articles on Technology-based Items. Writing basically is not my job but I consider it as my hobby and passion. I have been working as a Content writer for quite some time.
I'm a Professional Content Writer on and willing to write Articles on Technology-based Items. Writing basically is not my job but I consider it as my hobby and passion. I have been working as a Content writer for quite some time.