Fix Canon Camera Not Reading Sd Card

You may be surprised to learn that your Canon camera may not be working properly due to an SD card error, even though you didn’t do anything to your memory card!

Don’t worry; this happens sometimes, but it’s easy to fix. Just follow these steps and you’ll be good as new in no time! Hopefully, you will be able to enjoy saving your favorite pictures on the SD card after following this article.

Unplug the camera

If your Canon camera isn’t reading SD cards correctly, sometimes it can be fixed by removing and reinserting your SD card.

If you don’t know how to remove your SD card, don’t worry. Most modern cameras have a door that flips open on one side, exposing your SD card slot.

You can see an example of a typical memory card door below Simply flip up or pull out your SD card, then insert it again.

Try taking pictures again to see if they load properly. This should fix any issues with your Canon camera not reading SD cards correctly!

 Canon Camera Not Reading Sd Card

Format your SD card

Formatting is a way to clean up and reformat your SD card. This is an essential step when troubleshooting camera errors with an SD card. To format your SD card:

Start > Run (in Windows 7, 8, and 10) or File Explorer > This PC > Right-click on your SD card drive; Select Format from the drop-down menu. Confirm that you want to erase everything on your memory card by clicking Yes when prompted.

The formatting process should take about 20 seconds for most cards and will show some activity afterward, such as Writing… Finally, insert your memory card back into your camera and try to take a picture! For additional tips on fixing memory cards see below!…

Now you know how to fix Canon cameras not reading memory cards!

Change SD card

If your camera still isn’t working, try removing and reinserting the SD card. Use another SD card if you have one available—preferably from a different camera. This might fix any issues between your particular card and your specific camera.

It’s also worth trying a reformat of your SD card as well, just to be sure it isn’t an issue with how it is formatted on your device rather than an issue with how it reads on a computer.

Open up Photo Gallery and click on Devices. Click once again on SD and then right-click over your SD card drive.

Restart your camera

If your Canon camera isn’t reading your SD card, don’t panic! Restarting your camera and memory card can often fix a not-reading issue. First, remove both from your camera; then, turn off your camera and allow it to sit for five minutes.

After that time has passed, reboot it and test out whether or not it is able to read your SD card. If so, you can go back to shooting! If not, try reformatting your SD card to another device (like a computer) before putting it back into your camera. That should do the trick!

Check the compatibility of the Card

Cards that are too large or not in SD format might cause problems when used with your camera. Before taking a picture, check to make sure your memory card is compatible with your camera.

If you don’t already have one, choose an SD card for the best results. Also, be sure to use only one card in your camera at a time. Using multiple cards can lead to data corruption and other issues.

Clean the card slot

Make sure that nothing is in your camera’s memory card slot. Then, using a can of compressed air, clean out any dust or debris inside your camera’s memory card slot.

If there’s no debris or obstructions present, clean and dry out your memory card thoroughly (or replace it if it’s too old to work).

In many cases, fixing a Canon camera not reading the SD card issue is as simple as cleaning your memory card slot. It’s worth a shot before you go shopping for a new memory card.

Also read:  Charge Canon Camera Without Charger Solved


If your camera is not reading your SD card, try these steps before you give up and buy a new SD card. You may be able to salvage it and avoid wasting money on something you could fix yourself. Your camera may just need a simple tweak in its firmware or a reset of its settings.

That’s why these steps are crucial to making sure you don’t get stuck with a broken camera when all you needed was to do some simple maintenance.

Let me know if you got your SD card working again. Leave a comment below.

I'm a Professional Content Writer on and willing to write Articles on Technology-based Items. Writing basically is not my job but I consider it as my hobby and passion. I have been working as a Content writer for quite some time.
I'm a Professional Content Writer on and willing to write Articles on Technology-based Items. Writing basically is not my job but I consider it as my hobby and passion. I have been working as a Content writer for quite some time.